My shoulders and my hips are so tight that there are just some asanas (poses) that my body wants to do (with all its heart) but just can’t – yet!
Here’s an example…
Anahata Asana: Heart Pose
I want my heart to be on the ground and I refuse to put my head down as I don’t want my head to lead my heart – I want my heart to lead my head.
Rather than being frustrated by the degree of openness that my body is displaying I have decided to be thankful. Thankful, as it means that there is space to open up and for good things to come in. Every day there’s an opportunity to find more space (and therefore more good) and I am finding it!
Here’s some philosophy from Patanjali for your yoga gods and goddesses out there:
‘From acceptance, the disciple gains happiness supreme…accept conditions, accept others, ACCEPT YOURSELF (#FreeBeingMe)…by the true acceptance, the disciple comes into oneness of spirit (and) happiness supreme.’ PYS 2:42
Here’s something that made me happy today. The guys where we are staying put these outside my room…
…it is sometimes the small things – within me as well!