Ever found yourself in a ‘funk’? A place where it just doesn’t feel good? Where it doesn’t matter where you turn it just seems to be dark or heavy or sad? Sometimes a funk can last for a moment, a few hours, a day and sometimes longer.
When I find myself in a funk I usually know why and I usually know what I need to do to get myself out of it. It would help to set the alarm, get up early, exercise, eat well, have a productive day and sleep early. This always makes life feel better for me!
However, what I have a tendency to do is reset the alarm in the middle of the night (as I’m awake ‘thinking’), wake up late, don’t do any exercise, over eat, have an unproductive day, drink, over eat some more, watch mind numbing TV (The Bachelor is good for this) and sleep late!
Rather than doing things to get myself out of the funk the things I choose to do push me further down into it. It feels like this is what I deserve! When self motivation and will power have ‘left the building’ how to get out of the funk?
I can tell you what works for me. I need to be around people and not just any people. I need to be with my tribe – people who ‘get’ me. The ones who love and accept me just the way I am. It’s not even necessary to discuss the ‘funk’ but just to ‘be’ and maybe even laugh and sing or do some group YOGA.