Period Pride Day
Today is Menstrual Hygiene Day! After my recent Feminine Embodiment: Womb Awakening Yoga Teacher Training in Bali I am even more into this than usual. However, why ‘Hygiene’?! The word seems to indicate that there is something ‘dirty’ or ‘wrong’ with having a period.
Statistically more than half of the world’s population menstruates for about half of our lives. Given this, why is it still not OK for this to be a regular part of our conversations and awareness and in many countries why is there still a stigma attached with this regular bodily function?
Not only is our period something to be celebrated (as it is the seat of creation within us) but it’s also a way of our body speaking to us on a regular basis about how things are going with us. Everything from our emotional state to the way we feel physically to the ‘condition’ of the flow are all indicators. Our body is constantly sending us messages. We just need to listen and even sometimes act!
Check out this YouTube clip to hear how my body was shouting at me and even then I ignored it!
I’d like to suggest that we rename today ‘Period Pride Day’! It’s a day to advocate for change where it’s still needed but also to celebrate who we are.