Tomorrow is Now!
When I was growing up I remember having dinner at Nanna’s house on many occasions and eating the most amazing pavlova. I also remember Nanna saying that she was going on a diet ‘tomorrow’ and I don’t believe that ‘tomorrow’ ever came but the pav was good!
I have chosen my today and my tomorrow and I hope I can encourage you to do the same (if you haven’t already)? My choice is yoga and that’s not just about rolling out my mat and doing a few asanas (postures) rather it’s about an approach to life.
Each time I get up from Savasana (corpse pose)…
…it’s an opportunity to be reborn into this life and start fresh. A new day begins and tomorrow will bring another opportunity for a renewed approach. Seems like it is never too late! Is now the moment to start your ‘tomorrow’?